Rabu, 22 Maret 2017


Devi Fitriani

Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL exam is abbreviated as the ability to speak English (American accent) is required to enroll in a university in the United States or other countries in the world. This exam is necessary for applicants or speakers whose native language is not English. TOEFL exam is organized by the office of ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States for all test takers worldwide.
TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language ) test is used to determine the level of English speaking ability Someone hearts . Generally , the test used Astra Honda Motor husband as prayers One prerequisite for someone who wants to continue the study outlines OR Working in a country which uses English hearts day -day communication.

a)      Entrance or graduation requirements at the level of institutions of higher   education in Indonesia .             
b)      Placement test and evaluation test in language institutions .
c)      Requirements for a list of scholarship programs such as : Australian Development Scholarships , StuNed , DAAD ( German Academic Exchange Service ) , ACHIEVEMENT , Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Program and programs of government agencies such as the Ministry of Communication and Information .
d)     Part of the program of education, training and career development of government institutions such as Depantemen Overseas Education and Training Center , Bappenas , BKPM , the Ministry of Commerce and Bank Indonesia.

Benefits toefl
By understanding what the TOEFL and benefits before performing the test, then you will no longer complain. When the pass (especially with satisfactory value!), TOEFL certificate you will be recognized in 6000 as an international institution. If it were so, hopefully no longer a question like: "What is the TOEFL?", Because you are already aware of the benefits for your future. Congratulations to learn and strive.

Type - Type TOEFL
There are several types of TOEFL that is issued by the ETS (English Testing Service), namely:
1.      PBT (Paper Based Test)
PBT or Paper-Based Test (which is now removed. If it was still there, it is seldom that still use it and it was just for practice. Internationally PBT can not be used to apply for work and / or study abroad.). Is kind of the TOEFL test is based on paper or in other words, this type of TOEFL use paper as a means or instrument during the test. TOEFL is the first known to the world community was in 1964 and has been used as a form of language proficiency test at that time.
2.      TOEFL CBT (Computer Based Test)
CBT or Computer-Based Test (which now also been removed). Is kind of the TOEFL test is based on the computer. That is the TOEFL test this using a computer as a tool or tools during the exam. TOEFL CBT is a type of test as the development of the TOEFL PBT first recognized by the community in 1998. But for now TOEFL of this type is not organized anymore, because it is considered less valid in practice both materially and scores. In the TOEFL CBT there are several English language skills tested, including Listening, reading and writing. TOEFL exam in this type takes place of 2 - 2.5 hours. Regarding the range of values ​​in contrast to TOEFL CBT TOEFL PBT, ie 0-300.
3.      TOEFL IBT (Internet Based Test) TOEFL
TOEFL TOEFL IBT is the type that was launched by ETS (Educational Testing Service) as a test to test the ability of the world community in English. TOEFL IBT first issued by the ETS in 2005, but first enacted in Indonesia in 2006.As with other types of TOEFL, the TOEFL IBT jug there are some capabilities (skills) are tested, such as: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. TOEFL IBT lasted 4 hours with a total score range 0-120.

Difficulties toefl
S1 level for students or who are studying abroad, the acquisition of the campus at least set a standard score of 80 points. Masters program for students, especially those studying abroad, the expected score around 90 or even more. If the score is targeted to be more than 100, then the degree of difficulty will be more complicated. Even a native will find it difficult to achieve a score of over 100.


when I was in high school I had attended toefl test of bina archipelago, where the working time of about 2 hours test toefl toefl tests are quite difficult, especially about when listening.

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